Thursday, October 22, 2009

Put Your Hand In The Hand - Uskon ihmiseen

Lea Laven recorded "Uskon ihmiseen" (I trust in mankind) in 1971. It was released as a single, but the song on the flip-side "Manolito" had more success. The positive lyrics were done by Chrisse Johansson and they tell about man searching his Creator. The original song was the smash hit called "Put Your Hand In The Hand" for a one-hit-wonder group named Ocean. Ocean was a Canadian gospel rock band formed in 1970. They are best known just for this record, that sold over one million copies at the time (1971). You can see the group performing the song, here. The song was penned by Gene MacLellan, a singer-songwriter, who was also a Canuck. Another well-known song of his is "Snowbird", made famous by Anne Murray.

Updated on 21.02.2010: added the other Finnish version by Lasse Mårtenson and Seija Simola, "Iske kourasi kouraan".

Here's the triplet:


pgh said...

tästä radiosoitollisesti huomattavasti menestyksekkäämpi versio oli suomeksi Lasse Mårtensonin ja Seija Simolan versio " Iske Kourasi reilusti Kouraan ja Sillä siisti"-
itse asiassa hauska kuulla Luukisen versio, jonka olemassaolosta en edes tiennyt :)

DM said...

Minä taas en muistanut tuota Lassen ja Seijan versiota ;-).
Molemmat ovat ilmestyneet samana vuonna, mutta Lean versio lienee kuitenkin aikaisemmin levytetty. Lisään tuon Lassen & Seijan version tänne, kunhan saan sen käsiini. Vaikka sen sanoitus ei taidakaan sopia 'hengelliseen' teemaan ...

DM said...

Lassen ja Seijan versio on nyt bongattu , joten lähitulevaisuudessa se ilmestyy tähän.