Monday, May 4, 2009

Let's go to San Francisco - Taas kerran

Jarkko and Laura (see previous entry) recorded "Taas kerran" (Once again) in 1967. It was an ambitious move from the duo to excel in harmony singing. Somehow it didn't really work out and their version is long forgotten. Admittedly it is quite modest compered to the original song "Let's go to San Francisco", sung by The Flower Pot Men, It was one of hallmark tunes of the Summer of Love 1967. The Flower Pot Men were a British pop group and their sound was characterised by rich, three-part vocal harmonies. Actually, the group did not exist before this song had its big chart success. It was originally recorded by session singers and musicians along with songwriters John Carter and Ken Lewis, who, having no interest in going on the road themselves to promote the record, created the group to do it. The lead singer of the group was Tony Burrows who has sung lead on various hit singles under various group names (for example the classic 'Love Grows" as Edison Lighthouse). We present here rarely heard full-ledged version of this OTHER 'San Francisco' -song - Parts 1 & 2.

Here's the pair:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh! Voi tosiaankin kutsua unohdetuksi, tuota kotimaista versiota.En muista sitä tätä ennen kuulleenikaan. Ihan mielenkiintoinen veto sinänsä.
Orginaali toki tuttu. Tosin en tiennytkään tuota hamppumiesten historiaa.

Blogihan on saanut ihan kiitettävästi seuraajia ympäri maailman!
Way to go!