Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Un rayo de sol - Säde auringon

Ritva Oksanen had her first solo hit with "Säde auringon" (Ray of the sun) in 1970. In that same year the multi-talented actor/singer also scored big with Ossi Ahlapuro and "Maria Isabel" (see earlier entry) . The original song was composed by our old French friend Daniel Vangarde. This is already 7th finnpicked Vangarde composition. I don't have the original French version (called "Fernando") of the song, but the version that Ritva covered was done in Spain. The group Los Diablos had a massive hit with the spanish version called "Un rayo de sol" (The ray of the sun). The song earned the first Gold Record for this Barcelona band and was THE summer hit of 1970, as the the afore-mentioned "Maria isabel" was in 1969. You can Los Diablos perform the song in early promotional video, here.

Here's the pair:

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