Friday, September 11, 2009

Words - Helli mua hiljaa

Mona Carita (see earlier entry) recorded "Helli mua hiljaa" (Pamper me gently) in 1983. It was one the last recordings in her short career. Shortly afterwards she moved to Canada and stopped recording. The original song was an international smash hit "Words", written by Robert Fitoussi, a Tunisian-born French singer. He also performed it himself, using his stage name F. R. David. During the early 1970s, Robert was a band member in the French rock band, Les Variations. But in 1982 he broke through as solo artist with "Words".

Updated on 17.11.2009: added Berit's version (1983).

Here's the triple:


magomusiikki said...

Beritin versio oli varmasti ensimmäinen levytys Suomessa tästä ja suosittu niinikään.

DM said...

Olen lisännyt Beritin version. Molemmat suomalaiset on tehty samana vuonna, joten alkuperäisyydestä en ole aivan varma.

magomusiikki said...

Joo, eipä tuota täysin varmuudella osaa sanoa, miten asia on. Reiman teki niin Musiikki-Fazerille kuin Vip-Musicillekin paljon tekstejä tuolloin kuitenkin ja työskenteli paljon juuri etenkin Jori Sivosen kuin Veikko Samulinkin kanssa.

Arrowman said...

Also Mauno Moisanen (What a name :) did Finnish version of the song in -83, but in my opinion, Berit was on her second wave of fame and at mid '80's she was at her best and her version was undoubtedly the best of them.

pojuella said...

I have track
Hausmylly - Jos
But !
Kari Tapio - Jos <-
<- Umberto Tozzi -Tu