Monday, February 9, 2009

Trop Belle Pour Rester Seule - Yksinäinen ilta

Danny released "Yksinäinen ilta" (Lonely evening) in 1972 as a follow-up single to "Maantieltä taloon" (see previous entry). It was not one of Dannys biggest hits, but this song has got something magical ... The original song "Trop Belle Pour Rester Seule" (Too beautiful to be left alone) was performed by our old friend Ringo (see previous entry) in 1972. Ringo was French and his real name was Guy Bayle. This song was co-written by our old friend, too - Daniel Vangarde.

Here's the pair:

1 comment:

Arrowman said...

Danny's out... as you said there's something magical with this... It's a shame, that many of now unworking songs are the Finnish version of the pair, so our foreign friends here can here only the original one of which they probably heard before anyway... as I look here number of wiewers, this might be one of the greatest sites to bring knowledge of "Finnish" music to the world... From your first blog up to this... 79 nonworking songs, but major part of them is working. So keep up with good work!!! I still think your blog is GREAT!!!