Sunday, September 4, 2011

Caroline - Kyyneleet

This is one of Kirka's absolute classics. The song "Kyyneleet" (Tears) was released in 1981 on eponymous album. It has ever since been one of the most popular songs in his repertoire. The touching Finnish lyrics were provided by Raul Reiman. The original was called "Caroline" and it was written by famous Dutch producer, songwriter, DJ and musician Eddy Ouwens. He was the man behind the Dutch Eurovision winner "Ding-a-Dong". In 1977, following the death of Elvis Presley, he recorded and released the worldwide hit single "I Remember Elvis Presley" uber pseudonym Danny Mirror. Well, what about today's finnpicked song, "Caroline". It has been very hard to find the original recording. But (thanks to fellow blogger Magomusiikki for research) I can now present an almost original version. It was done by Dutch schlager singer Arne Jansen. It was released on his album "Zomerzon En Zuidenwind" and also as a single. As far as I know this took place in 1985 - 4 years after Kirka's "Kyyneleet". So it's not THE original, but I'm sure it's quite like it. BTW, Arne and Kirka had more in common than this song; they were born just months apart and they died just months apart. You can see Arne perform the song, here.
Here's the pair:


magomusiikki said...

Hienoa, että löysit studioversionkin.
Kuuntelin eilen ensi kertaa Kujun levyttämän biisin On rakkaus kiehtovaa. Hyvin toimiva biisi ja originaali niin ikään, Sandy Coastin "True love that`s a wonder". Suom. kiel. versio on turhaan jäänyt varjoon, mm. tuon, niin ikään Dirlanda- albumin sis. Neiti Saima Sundin lailla.

magomusiikki said...

Korjaan, "Kaiken tahdon antaa" on tuo suom. kiel. nimi ensin mainitulle biisille.