Thursday, January 21, 2010

9.999.999 Tears - 1000000 kyyneltä

This is the last number in our lengthy 'number' -series. Kisu recorded "1000000 kyyneltä" (One million tears) in 1977 for his album "Maaliskuun kuudes". The Finnish lyrics were written by Pertsa Reponen. The original 'number song' had nearly ten times bigger figure and was called "9.999.999 Tears" and was a hit for American pop/country singer Dickey Lee (b. Royden Dickey Lipscomb) in 1976. The song was originally written and recorded by country artist Rasie Michael "Razzy" Bailey in 1966, but failed to chart. Dickey Lee picked up the tune in 1976 and made it a number 3 hit. Lee had a Top 20 pop hit in 1963 with the rocker, "I Saw Linda Yesterday. After many leaner years he struck big again with "9.999.999 Tears". You can see Dickey perform the song, here.

Here's the pair:

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