Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rain Rain Rain - Vie vain

Kai Hyttinen (see previous entry) recorded "Vie vain" (Just take me) as a single in 1973. It was a reasonable hit for Kai and has been in considerable demand ever since. The original song was called 'Rain Rain Rain" and was written and performed by German singer Simon Butterfly. Simon's real name was Bernd Simon and he is the son of famous German schlager composer Hans-Arno Simon. Bernd was working in one recod company and tried to release this song under his own name. But after the company refused releasing it he swithed to another company and released it using pseudonym Simon Butterfly. The song turned out to be a massive worldwide hit. But Simon more or less fell out of fame after that and became one of many 'one hit wonders'.

Updated on 08.10.2009: Added Marie Laforet's version, that actually was the first recording of this song.

Here's the triplet:

1 comment:

pgh said...

Marie Laforet teki vielä isomman tilin samalla laululla nimellä " Viens Viens" ranskaksi. Ja kun kuuntelet vaikka You Tubesta löytyvää
loistolattuista videoita on helppo arvata että suomennos on tehty siitä,koska onomatopoettinen "ääntämiskäännös" on kyseessä. Molemmat on 1973- en tiedä kumpi tuli ensin Simon vai Marie.Mutta hei Simonista- oli sillä vielä yksi iso hitti myöhemminkin eli " Make My Bed Mama" 1977 , jonka Reetu lauloi suomeksi nimellä " Kotiinpäin Äiti"