Sunday, December 4, 2011

Oh Lonesame Me - Tänään on sunnuntai

This Finnpick is very 'up-to-date', simply because it's called "Tänään on sunnuntai" (Today is Sunday). Tuula Siponius recorded the song on 1960, and it was released on the B-side of her hit single "Tom Pillibi". The arranger and the conductor of the backing orchestra was Jaakko Borg. The Finnish lyrics were written by Reino Helismaa using one of his many pseudonyms, Rauni Kouta. The original song "Oh Lonesame Me" was written and performed by country legend Don Gibson, with Chet Atkins producing in 1958. The song topped the US country chart and reached number 7 on the Billboard Hot 100. The single was one of the all-time greatest, because on the B-side was "I Can't Stop Loving You", that became massive success for Ray Charles 4 years later. You can see Don perform "Oh Lonesame Me", here.

43 Finnpicks to go.

Here's the pair:


Arrowman said...

In 1970 Johnny Liebkind made version "Luulet vaan" and 1971 Jussi Raittinen made fine version called "Niin yksin oon", but sure was Tuula's version the original one, if you have Jussi and the Boys "Niin yksin oon, it would be nice add here... P.S. I'm sad about hearing youto quit after thousand, you have found many great treasures from the past, many of them I haven't ever heard (Originals) Most of Finnish versions I have on my vinyl collection, but sure is here a few unheard treasures on those too... How could I follow your steps and how much do one have to invest in rights?

DM said...

I have added Jussi's 1971 version (BTW, the title was "Oon yksin niin") and Johnny's 1970 version.