Well, this is it. The 1000th and last Finnpick. When I started this blog in May 2008, I surely didn't expect it last this long. But this has been fun, and to my surprise. the blog has attracted readers all over the world. Even if the the genre here is very niche - Finnish covers of foreign hits. I myself have discovered many new songs and many new artists on the way. And revived some already-lost memories. I hope the Finnpicks has been able to do the same to you.
The Finnpick number 1 was titled "Moi, moi vain". That's the greeting the Finns use when meeting someone. So, it's appropriate to end our journey with the song titled "Hei vain" (Just bye-bye), which in turn is used at the moment of departure. Päivi Paunu recorded it in 1969, scoring a minor hit with it. The original song was a worldwide hit for Mary Hopkin and called "Goodbye". It was the follow-up single for her number one single "Those Were The Days" (which also was covered by Päivi Paunu, see here ). The "Goodbye" song was written by Paul McCartney, and Paul has now the honour to perform the last song in Finnpicks; his demo version of "Goodbye".
0 Finnpicks to go.
Here's the triplet:
18 hours ago
Thank you so much for sharing these amazing tunes, they have brought me many merry moments and memories during recent years. I have also loved to read your paragraphs, there has been a lot of trivial information! All the best in future! mxx
Tämä blogi on palauttanut mieliin kymmeniä jo unohtuneita hittejä.
Kiitokset kuluneista vuosista ja musiikillisista muistoista ja löydöistä.
Parhainta menestystä tuleviin hankkeisiin.
Vieras J
No, kaikki päättyy aikanaan!
Tämä on ollut kulttuuritekoja parhaimmasta päästä. Jospa vielä joskus näkisimme jatkoa jossain muodossa...
Kaikista kappaleista kiittäen.
rackeSuuret kiitokset näistä sadoista musiikkikappaleista joita ei edes muistanut olevan olemassa.
Paljon kiitoksia ja hyvää jatkoa.
Thank you!! I have enjoyed it all from Palm Beach, Florida.
What a shame, I was hoping this day never comes...
Well, all the good things ends in time and this ended here. Thank you for many merry moments and memories. As they say, it's been a great cultural work for music lovers all over the world and I'm sure, there's been many forgotten pearls from past for many countries with as many languages here, not only for Finns. I wish you all the best in your future works and possible new projects. It' been a great pleasure to watch your steps and track more database of all your songs in here and sometimes give some added info and replies too. Thanks for sharing these great moments and your great passion and pastoral care and patience during these great and soulrefreshing recent years here.
Kiitos ja hei
Kiitti menneestä, hieno duuni. Vaikka huomattava osa meni oman suosikkimusan ulkopuolelle, oli kaikki kuitenkin vähintäänkin kiinnostavaa. Varmasti vaati paljon työtä kaivaa nämä vanhat Finnhitsit ja flopit. En tiedä ovatko nuo omasta levyhyllystä, mutta eihän noista läheskään kaikkia ole edes cd muodossa saatavilla. Lukija HA
I had so much fun listening to these great finnish tunes.
Thank you very much for your effort!
All the best from Austria!
حلم شيك حلم شيك حلم مصطفى الاغا
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